Get High

Rock  Pop  Funk



  DKK 139,-

Catalouge no.
 SU 9034-2


The Danish rockband BL!NK is finally back with its second album. And there is every reason to get high about it!  It's a magnificent cd with beautiful ballads
as well as raw and captivating songs.

On 'Get High' Thomas Negrijn's characteristic vocals and Jacob Moth's potent, broad-side  guitar dominate. It's all brought together by Peter Stokkebye's dynamic drums, and with Flemming Rasmussen and Jacob Groth as producers 'Get High' has ended up being a hard-hitting album that  really moves mountains!

'Get High' is also released in South-Korea and the Asian success continues.

Thomas Negrijn - Vocal, guitar
Jacob Moth - Guitar, bass, backing vocal 
Peter Stokkebye - Drums 
Jacob Kolkur - Livebass